“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Decree award

New headmistress at the ZBGO

On November 8, 2021 the governor of the province of Burgenland presented the decree personally to our new Headmistress. Congratulations!!


ZOOM-Meeting with EU-commissioner Dr. Johannes Hahn

On November 5, 2021 pupils of our class 6M took part in in a Zoom-meeting with EU commissioner Dr. Johannes Hahn. This Europtimus-project concentrated…

Open Doors Day 2021

Saturday November 27, 2021

Am Samstag, den 27.11.2021, findet am Zweisprachigen Gymnasium der "Tag der offenen Tür" statt. Diesmal werden unsere BesucherInnen von den…

Classical meets modern period

...with cello und violin

The pupils were informed about the functions of cello and violin in the Viennese classical period as well as hidden folk melodies.