“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Virtual Language-Trophy 2021

4 winners from the ZBG!!!

Four out of six brave and talented girls could achieve top rankings in this year's Distance Language-Trophy (organized by the PH Burgenland) and win. …

Distance Language-Trophy

6 students face the challenge

After doing the self-test, 6 brave girls took part in the Distance Language-Trophy for Latin, Hungarian and Croatian, organized by the PH Burgenland.…

Safer Internet Day

Online-Workshop with KabelPlus

The 7th and 8th grade took part in a workhop on how to use social media responsibly, sponsored by KabelPlus. The expert, Maciej Lech gave useful tips…