“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Project Korijeni at ZBG

Part 2

On January 19th, 2020 - Part 2 of Project "Korijeni" was initiated.  The sencond video conference with the three partner schools from Vukovar (HR),…

Social commitment

7H offering an Advent buffet for the good cause

Showing social commitment and empathy are very important at our school. The 7H organised a buffet "Kekse helfen/Cookie shelp" and donated the money to…

Elementary school...

meets ZBG

It has a long tradition that the elementary schools of the surroundings come to our school to see and experience a normal school day at the ZBG in…

Musical: Guys and Dolls

Upper grades in Graz

28 students attended the performance of the musical "Guys and Dolls" at the Graz Opera House. First they visited the newly opened library at the Karl…

Volleyball Burgenland championships

ZBG Girls & Boys part of it

Our boys and girls team tried their best at the regional championship in Güssing and could both reach the 5th place. We are proud of you! Girls:Victo…