“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Drumworkshop with Hermann Hombauers/Power Drums

On April 25th the students of the 3M and 4H took part in the drum workshop with Hermann Hombauer. Not only did they beat the drums but also danced and…

Moral courage

ZBG at the Mauthausen Memorial

"Only he who knows the past has a future" (Humboldt) To understand the importance of the tragic past the excursion of the 4th and 5th grades led…

Experiencing the history of Hungary

Excursion to Kőszeg

On their excursion to Kőszeg the students of the 2M and 3M could experience the history of the Castle Jurisics on their own while dressing up as lords…

Easter traditions

DIY Easter decorations

Together with Renate Sagmeister and Marianne Seper the students of the 1.M, 2.M, 2.H and 3.H could work on their own Easter eggs while scratching…