“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

GRAZ ...

... Museum and Theatre

Culture in all diversities was experienced by our high school classes in Graz! First they visited the Museum Graz, after that Kafka's "Transformation"…


"Who, if not we? When, if not now?" is the motto of TELL IT MULTI 2022/23. Five finalists of the ZBGO convinced in the final round in Eisenstadt…

GRAZ ...

... Styrian Armoury and Theatre

" To break a lance for someone" " To smell a rat" or " To go on the run" ...all these idioms stem from daily life in the 16th century. This fact was…

Facets of Vienna

ZBGO joining the Vienna project

After our Easter holidays both 4th classes of the ZBGO had the possibility of visiting the capital city Vienna. The well-organized programme of these…