
"The red coat – I loli dugi jupa" in Romani

Book presentation with Heinz Janisch

On Thursday 24 October 2024 the presentation of the book "The red coat - I loli dugi jupa" in Romany took place in the Bilingual Grammar School Oberwart. Author Heinz Janisch, illustrator Birgitta Heiskel and Emmerich Gärtner-Horvath, Mag. Dr. Sabine Weisz as headmistress of the PH Burgenland and the chairman of the National Ethnic Groups Advisory Council of the Roma Emmerich Gärtner-Horvath were present.

The musical accompaniment was conducted by Leon Berger Band

The picture book "The red coat" tells the story of "Saint Martin" combined with the topics empathy and willingness to help in the context of refugee background today. This book was published in all four national languages of the Burgenland: German, Croatian, Hungarian and Romany.