“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Festive send-off

Our Maturanten was given a festive send-off on June, 9 2022 after having passed their Matura successfully. Congratulations and good luck for your…

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Festive send-off

Our Maturanten was given a festive send-off on June, 9 2022 after having passed their Matura successfully. Congratulations and good luck for your…


Our pupils could perform on stage again at the competition GRAJAM 2022. Lorenz Palatin (1h) even managed to reach the final which will take place in…

High accolades

The Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary

The Golden Cross of Merit was awarded to the former headmaster, Mr Martin Zsivkovits in honour of his leadership of the ZBGO for about three decades. …


Singer festival "Burgklang"

In the course of the festival "KLANGfrühlingKIDS" in Stadtschlaining our classes 1H and 3M took part in a workshop and gave their musical…