“Es ist nicht genug zu wissen - man muss auch anwenden. Es ist nicht genug zu wollen - man muss auch tun.”Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Back to school 2020

Important information, letter of the minister

We hope all students, parents and teachers had a wonderful summer holiday! Here some information aout the first week at school: Elternbrief des BM…


Stundents' interpretation of Croatian songs

Simon Palatin (1H), Anna Brenner and Gabriela Hegedüs (2H), Merjema Kardolami (2H), Sophie Szklenar (2H), and Alexander Schitter (3H) performed well…

Language-Trophy 2020

Two winners from our school

On February 6th the following students took part in three categories at the Language-Trophy 2020 at the PH in Eisenstadt: Latin: Resetarits Julia …